FedEx standard shipping generally takes between 3 to 5 days, while orders shipped via FedEx Priority typically arrive within 1 to 2 business days, depending on the destination country. Please note that these shipping times are estimates and may be subject to delays during transit.
Full parcel tracking is included for all countries. Orders are shipped within a maximum of 2-business days when placed during office hours (8am-5pm) Monday to Friday, not including public holidays.
We offer free worldwide shipping on all orders over 150€ with FedEx, For FedEx Priority, DHL and for DHL Express, we charge a small fee depending on your location.
Full parcel tracking is included for all countries.
We deliver to most countries. If you cannot find your home country in the drop down at the checkout, please contact us at and we will try to find a solution for you.
After your order is confirmed and the shipment is registered, you will receive an email including tracking details. All our products are shipped with tracking and you will be able to directly trace your package via the button in your email.
If your shipping address is located within the European Union, then the price you see at checkout is the final price you pay. This price includes VAT.
If your shipping address is located outside the European Union we do not charge VAT.
IMPORTANT: All orders outside of the European Union ( this includes the UK ) may be subject to additional duties, import taxes, brokerage, or customs fees upon delivery (Not included in the shipment fee).
To see the price you will pay upon ordering the watch, add the item to your cart and select your country at checkout. Only once this is selected at checkout will the price automatically be adjusted depending on whether or not you are in the EU. If you are ordering within the EU, European VAT is already added to the price and you will not be subject to further taxes on reception. When ordering outside the EU, the 25% EU VAT charge will be removed, however, you will be subject to local import duties and taxes when receiving the item.
NOTE: If you are using a VPN the price you will see online depends on the location you have selected on your VPN.
The most accurate shipping date is displayed on the product page. Please note that this date can change over time as more orders come in and does not mean your order is impacted. We encourage customers to check the shipping date at time of purchase. Should you have any specific questions about your order, please reach out to us at
Delays are never nice, and we are always doing our best to minimize them as much as possible. Unfortunately they can still happen, especially during production which can result in parts not passing QC. In case of a delay, you can email us and we will be able to give you the latest update on your order.
If you would like to cancel your order, please reach out to our support team by emailing in a timely manner before your watch is scheduled for shipment. Please note that cancellation will result in losing the allocation for the watch you have ordered. Usually our watches sell out on pre-order before hitting shelves and therefore do not become available for direct shipping, yet available again for pre-order with a later ship date.
We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Paypal for all our markets along with IDeal for The Netherlands.
If your credit card is declined, we suggest double-checking the billing address to ensure it is the same as the one your credit card is registered to. You can also contact us for an alternative payment solution.
Yes, as a customer you have 14 days to return an item. Please inform us within 14 days after receiving the product that you want to return it. The product should be in our possession no more than 14 days after informing us about your wish to return it.
When returning, enclose the watch in its original packaging and the product cannot be used/worn, and has to be sealed in the original plastic wrapping.
Once verified that the watch is in its original condition, we will issue a full refund. Please note that if your watch does not meet the above criteria, we unfortunately cannot refund the product and will charge 45€ to ship the watch back. We only accept returns with prior notice and do not accept returns outside the EU that are made without our certified return form.
Once we have received your complete package in good condition, your refund will be processed within 3 business days. You will be notified via email at the address listed on your account when this transaction has taken place.
Please note that your banking institution may require additional days to process and post this transaction to your account once they have received the information from us.
If you believe that something is wrong with your watch, please contact us first at We will then begin to determine if there is an issue with the watch.
If physical inspection is needed, you can send the watch to us. In the case that the watch does not have a defect, 60,00€ will be charged for shipping the watch back to the customer.
If your watch is returned to us with prior notice and everything is as new, there will be no restocking fee charged.
However if you did not notify us in advance, we will charge a 35€ restocking fee.
If the package sent back to us is not in original condition, we may charge a restocking fee depending on the condition. Please keep in mind that the entire package should be as received.
If you need to change or cancel your order, please contact us immediately at We generally process orders within the same day or the next working day, and once our warehouse has processed your order, we will be unable to make any changes.
Always be sure that your email address is correct; an incorrect email address is the only reason for not receiving an order confirmation. Also check your spam filter.
Once your order is placed via our webshop, you will receive an order confirmation via email. The email will include a hyperlink where you can download the invoice, including the FTA agreement.
Have questions? Look at our FAQ section or feel free to contact us.
MAEN Watches Stockholm Sweden
상호: 마엔 시계 - 사업자등록번호: 559061-5216 - 대표: 줄스
MAEN Watches Stockholm, Sweden
상호: 마엔 시계 - 사업자등록번호: 559061-5216 - 대표: 줄스
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